
Science Café

The Science Café / of Café Scientifique/ was started in Great-Britain and spread across Europe and the United States, with enormous popularity. During its events acclaimed scientists present the newest developments in science and technology in an easily understandable way, engaging in conversation with the layman participants. Science Café is usually held in a pub, café or restaurant.

It is in this tradition that we start our science series in the FUGA cultural center. It makes the meeting of scientists and those interested in their topic even more exciting through visual tools. Animation, graphs, video clips help understand scientific reasoning and help show the questions, concerns and viewpoints of the general public. The program’s homepage provides an opportunity for interactivity, and through being televised, the events become media events as well.

FUGA science introduces young researchers to the public through spectacular displays. It invites members of the scientific and public spheres for discussion of, among others, topics in nanotechnology or human genome mapping that might give address to the doubts and expectations of the public. Everyone is welcome to the taping of this unique new genre, the scientific, informational talk show. We plan to address the questions of the Hungarian higher education in a professional setting.

FUGA science is directed by György Fábri.